Mac / Windows
iOS / Android
Unlike the VPN services that use open source solutions, Victor uses an exclusive Smart Tunnel technology that avoids third-party interference and ensures a good speed and stability.
Please check:
1) Whether your account status shows “normal”. Account status can be found either on the Victor client window or your account webpage.
2) The Victor client is running properly on your computer.
3) Your browser has been properly configured according to the "Setup Guide".
4) If Victor client has been blocked by the computer firewall. If yes, please add Victor to the white-list or try to reinstall.
Both the Victor computer client and your browser need to be configured properly at the same time. Please check your configuration according to the "Setup Guide".
If you have quited the Victor computer client, you also need to tick off the "Victor" proxy on your browser. When you run Victor again, remember also to tick on the "Victor" proxy on your browser.
If you are using other reverse proxy service, for example, Unblock Youku, please also stop it.
If you have uninstalled Victor, please restore the browser default settings by the following instructions:
1) Chrome: Click the earth icon on upper right of the menu bar, select "Connect directly".
2) Firefox: Click on the menu button, go to "Preferences" > "Advanced" > "Network" > "Connection
3) 360 browser: same as Chrome
4) Dropbox:Go to "Proxies" in the client Settings, select "No proxy".
Some anti-virus software may over-sensitively detects Victor as a virus. In this case, please give permission to Victor, or add Victor to the white-list.
If the Victor client pops up "Missing core application files", this means some program files have been deleted by anti-virus software. You will need to reinstall Victor.
Victor provides service locations (also known as nodes), such as Japan (Japan), US (United States), which ensures good access speed in different regions. If you feel slow when visiting some sites, please connect to another server.
For mobile app: Go to the "Connection Settings".
Victor can automatically identify whether a site is blocked, access a site through our services only when necessary. Thus, you can have both optimal speed when visiting domestic and blocked sites.
We don't, and will never record or track our users online behaviors. Your sensitive information is also encrypted by SSL.